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Aug. 3, 2024

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Blessed Are The Peacemakers by Rev. Jay Stuart Gl…

Blessed Are The Peacemakers by Rev. Jay Stuart Glover

May God prosper you according to His divine will and purpose.

Rev. Jay Stuart Glover



Blessed are the Peacemakers

I’m Rev. Jay Stuart Glover, and welcome to Faith Talk. Today, we are  drawing from  a scripture that resonates deeply with our lives during these troubling times. It’s found in the fifth chapter of Matthew. Within His great Sermon on the Mount, Jesus offers these timeless words: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God."The early believers needed guidance on how to live out their faith tradition and so do we . Join me as we explore the profound significance of this passage and its urgent relevance for our world today.

In today's climate of unrestrained conflict and division, the call to be peacemakers is more relevant than ever. Jesus' words identify peacemakers as children of God, a profound statement for those who have decided to follow Christ. As believers, we are called to strive towards reconciliation and healing in our world. This scripture challenges us to actively pursue peace with God, peace in our relationships, peace  in our communities, and in the broader context of our world. The invitation to peacemaking  reflects  God’s heart for unity and restoration. 

Peace is more than the absence of violence, As people of faith, we find our personal peace from being  in a right relationship with God. As Christians, we believe that this relationship is made possible by the grace of God, and through the atoning ministry of His Son, Jesus. It is Jesus who reconciles us to our Heavenly Father and continues to intercede on our behalf. Any notion of righteousness or right standing with God is imputed to us through the Son. It is through Him that we have our peace, our oneness with God, and our communion with Him and for this we are eternally grateful 

The relevant question becomes: How can we be the embodiment of  this Beatitude  in our communities ?

Peacemaking in a Polarized Society

Our society today is deeply polarized—spiritually, politically, and socially. The rhetoric from opposing sides often intensifies divisions rather than healing them. In this environment, being a peacemaker takes us beyond our  personal reconciliation, or individual salvific experience  with God. Being a peacemaker calls us to the high standard of being reconciled with God and with each other. We are invited to actively embrace the work of reconciliation both with God and with one another.

 As peacemakers, we are called to reach beyond the walls of hostility,  build bridges of understanding, and contribute to the transformation of our communities. 

The concept of “peacemaking”  invariably leads us to the challenges of pursuing  social justice. Injustice and inequality are sources of deep societal conflict, often leading to unrest and violence. As followers of Christ, we are called to address these issues head-on, recognizing that true peace cannot exist where injustice prevails. Peace in mind body and spirit  is difficult for anyone when your hungry and don’t know where you next meal is coming from. When you rent is too high,  you have no healthcare coverage, and you are barely getting by from day to day. 

Being a peacemaker means standing up for those who are marginalized and oppressed. Jesus consistently demonstrated compassion for the outcasts of society—the poor, the sick, the sinner. We are called to follow His example by advocating for and helping  those who are often dehumanized, ignored and mistreated. 

Advocating and helping involves  more than writing a check that we are often hesitant to do. 

Volunteering: Offering our time and resources to support shelters, food banks, and other services that assist the marginalized. We can offer support with our resources, our time and our skill set.

 Mentoring: is a powerful tool in todays world. Intergenerational guidance that helps our youth and young adults to navigate the challenges before them is a critical need. There are youth and young adults that  are prematurely forced into the job market and need guidance   And encouragement to pursue a college education, entering into a vocational skill building curriculum.  Our young adults are often not the recipients of inherited wealth and are forced to reinvent start from scratch therefore educating them, mentoring them in terms of  financial literacy and sound economic practices is a great way to help dismantle the paralyzing grips of poverty. 

Advocating for Systemic Changes: 

Peacemaking also involves working towards systemic changes that address the root causes of injustice and inequality. This includes  engaging with federal, state and local policymakers to advocate for laws,  regulations and policies that promote fairness and justice. This  includes pushing for reforms in areas such as criminal justice, healthcare, education, and housing and using your voting power. 

-  Advocating for access to quality education for all:   regardless of socioeconomic status, which can help to break the cycle of poverty and open up new opportunities.

- Healthcare Access: Supporting healthcare reforms that ensure all individuals have access to necessary medical care, dental care regardless of their financial situation.

- Economic Opportunities: Are local political leaders working towards creating  jobs and provide economic opportunities for all or are they absorbed in hiring friends and family. Are there summer job programs for youth in our communities? Are there after school programs that keep youth off the streets? Is there access to counseling services for those who simply cannot afford it? 

One of my favorite community activities is educating through border crossing dialogue sessions. 

Facilitating dialogues between diverse faith traditions, cultures and ethnicities promote understanding and healing. 

Educating ourselves and others about different cultures and perspectives to foster mutual respect and understanding. This can help to reduce prejudice, dismantle stereotypes and promote inclusivity.

Peacemaking challenges us to look beyond our own comfort and work towards a society where peace is not just the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice and wholeness for all.

By addressing social justice issues with the compassion and dedication exemplified by Jesus, we can help to create a world where true peace—rooted in justice and wholeness—is a reality for all.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God." This passage  reminds us of the powerful call to action in our divided world. As we strive to be peacemakers, let us reflect God's heart for unity and restoration, and work tirelessly to bring His peace to a hurting world. And in all of our doing and working let us keep prayer as a priority.  Regularly pray for peace in our communities, our  nation, and the world. Ask God to guide you in being an instrument of His peace.

I’m Rev jay Stuart Glover and thank you for joining me today on Faith Talk. These episodes are available on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, i-Heart, You Tube and other podcast platforms. Please visit the website at www.revjaystuartglover.com and share with friends and family. Let us go forth as peacemakers, bringing God's light into the shadows of our world. Until next time, may God bless you and guide you in all that you do. Amen.