As Jesus is questioned about his claims of divine…
Recommended readings for redefining the meaning a…
Welcome to Faith Talk, I'm Rev. Jay Stuart Glove…
The Communion Service, what is it all about
Studies are showing that In today’s heightened p…
Dr. King emphasizes that faith is a call to actio…
Young Adults are needed in the church. You can be…
Inspiration for the new year
As we approach the new year put on "love"
Why are we so favored? That is a question with a …
Finding joy in the Advent Season listen in and s…
The second Sunday of Advent invites us to embrace…
An Brief Introduction to The Advent Season
A Thanksgiving reflection inspiring gratitude
An invitation to Rejoice Pray And Give Thanks
Let us be reminded today, that even when it seem…
Guidance for journeying through a difficult histo…
It was the disciples that got in the way of child…
Faith Communities Need Young Adults
Forgiveness isn’t always easy, is it? Forgiveness…
Sustainable Fashion And Faith by Rev. Jay Stuart …
Reflecting On God's Faithfulness by Rev. Jay Stua…
Voting As An Act Of Stewardship by Rev. Jay Stuar…