Wrestling with Demons
My book is about my being abused, my journey into wrestling and having to confront my demons. Feelings of being worthless, traumatized by events and finding a resolution are the emphasis. I explain wrestling with my demons were a true fight in every sense. Even with my degrees in Theology and psychology, I did not know veterans would be able to relate so strongly. The book has stories of my adventures in the ring, physical abuse, my accepting responsibility for my actions and coming to terms with my inner demons. What would happen if society confronted its demons? Could prejudice and hatred subside? My wife and I have shared our testimony across America. Married over 30 years . 3 biological and 5 adopted create a full house. Coming from a racist part of GA, it was common to see the KKK walking the streets. Our journey goes from abuse, pro wrestling and racism to being parents of a multiracial family..
Ira Mark Smith Wrestling with Demons Having wrestled with abuse, and anger, Ira Mark’s life was transformed by the grace of God.