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Dec. 14, 2024

Joy In The Advent Season

Finding joy in the Advent Season listen in and s…

Finding joy in the Advent Season listen in and see one way joy comes to us.

May God prosper you according to His divine will and purpose.

Rev. Jay Stuart Glover




I’m Rev Jay Stuart Glover and you are listening to faith Talk. Today’s episode is entitled “Joy In The Advent Season” 


Luke 3:9-14 

John traveled throughout the region around the Jordan River, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. As the fear of divine judgment began to settle in the hearts of the people, they repeatedly asked John “what should we do?”

 In the Gospel according to Luke 3:11-14, we find John’s answers.

In Luke 3:11, John instructs, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” Here, John speaks directly to those who are more privileged then others urging them to share their resources with those in need. He emphasizes the importance of sharing basic necessities like clothing and food. Imagine not having a single shirt to wear or trying to get by without enough food. John’s message invites us today  to repent from the temptation to turn a blind eye to our own  neighbors' suffering while we enjoy abundance. 

The next group approaching John for guidance was the tax collectors, who asked, “Teacher, what should we do?” (Luke 3:12). At that time, tax collectors were generally despised figures in society. They were often Jewish locals who collected taxes for the Roman Empire. Many were known for their corrupt practices, often overcharging and pocketing the excess. This exploitation contributed to their social ostracism, as they were barred from worship and marginalized within their communities, often viewed as sinners due to their unscrupulous actions. In response to the tax collectors, John charged them to  repent from their corrupt practices, that oppressed their own people. 

When soldiers came to John to inquire, “And what should we do?” he replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay” (Luke 3:14). Roman soldiers were also known for their corruption and extortion, often leveraging their authority to intimidate the people. Their misconduct included making false accusations, which could lead to severe consequences for innocent individuals. John’s message to them was clear: they were also charged to repent from their corrupt practices and to live in a way that demonstrated integrity and justice.


On this Third Sunday of Advent, we are invited into a sacred space of introspection and self-examination. There is a profound joy associated with repentance, for it allows us not only to turn away from sin but also to turn toward God. In doing so, we can be free enough to embrace the blessed assurance of forgiveness, love, reconciliation, and restoration that God graces us with. 

On this third Sunday of Advent, we are called to embrace  our joy that comes from God We rejoice in knowing that amid all our shortcomings and insufficiencies, God desires to enter into the chaos of our life lavish us with the richness of His Love, Grace, and Mercy. 

As we reflect on these words from John the Baptist, may we seek to embody his call to share, to act justly, and to live in a way that honors both God and our neighbors.


I’m Rev Jay Stuart Glover and you are listening to “Faith Talk.” These episodes are available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube and other podcast platforms. Please share with family and friends. Visit www.jsystuartglover.com subscribe and leave a review and comments. God bless you in this Advent season. Amen