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Sept. 20, 2024

Reflecting On God's Faithfulness

Reflecting On God's Faithfulness by Rev. Jay Stua…

Reflecting On God's Faithfulness by Rev. Jay Stuart Glover

May God prosper you according to His divine will and purpose.

Rev. Jay Stuart Glover


 I’m Rev Jay Stuart Glover 

Welcome to Faith Talk. Today’s episode is entitled 

“Reflecting  on God’s Faithfulness ” 

Life often presents us with an abundance of challenges that have the potential to push us away from God, toward despair, anxiety, and fear. Whether it's the pressures of academic and employment demands, the unpredictability of relationships, or the weight of personal struggles, we all encounter moments of spiritual and physical weariness. Even King David, despite his close relationship with God, faced countless adversities—whether defending his flock as a young shepherd or navigating the perils of leadership, betrayal, and war as a king. Or even when his own son was trying to kill him. In these moments, David consistently turned to God, finding refuge, comfort, and strength.

The 23rd Psalm is  one of the most well known scriptures in the Bible, known for its comforting imagery and profound message of God's care.

What I love most about this psalm is how David’s perception of God shines through, even in the face of adversity. David’s image of God is one of a loving Shepherd—a caretaker who provides, protects, and leads. As David opens the psalm:

*“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.  

He makes me lie down in green pastures,  

He leads me beside quiet waters,  

He refreshes my soul.”*  

(Psalm 23:1-3)

This imagery isn’t just poetic—it’s deeply personal.  David, a shepherd himself, knew firsthand the role of a shepherd: caring for sheep, guiding them to safety, ensuring they had what they needed. David saw God as his Shepherd, the One who provided for him even when life didn’t seem prestigious or easy. Despite his humble beginnings and the trials he faced, David felt complete in God's care. His dependence on God was absolute. And that’s what we mean  by spiritual poverty. 

David also acknowledges God's as one who leads him in his decision making process.   He wrote: 

*“He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.”*  

(Psalm 23:3)

Here, David reminds us that God’s guidance is available to us, not just for our own benefit, but for the sake of His glory. The question that arises for us today is whether we are willing to listen. In our fast-paced, noisy world, can we quiet ourselves enough to hear God’s voice? Or do we allow distractions to drown out His guidance? David’s trust in God’s leading calls us to be intentional about seeking his leading,  guiding and following Him.

**Comfort in the Valleys:**

One of the most powerful parts of the psalm comes in verse 4:  

*“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”*

Life isn’t always about green pastures and still waters. There are valleys—dark, challenging times that we all must face. But even in those moments, David finds comfort, not because the danger isn’t real, but because God’s presence is. David compares God’s protection to that of a shepherd’s rod and staff. The staff, with its hook, is used to pull sheep out of danger, while the rod defends against predators. God, in His wisdom and love, is both our rescuer and defender, present in every trial we face.

**God’s Pursuit of Us:**

Finally, David concludes with a declaration of God’s goodness:  

*“Surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”*  

(Psalm 23:6)

David isn’t simply saying that God’s love follows behind him like a shadow; the Hebrew word here suggests that God’s goodness and mercy actively pursue us. Even when we drift away or struggle, God’s love is relentless—it chases after us. I don’t know about you, but there have been times in my life when I’ve distanced myself from God. Yet His mercy wasn’t passive—it sought me out and brought me back.

Psalm 23 offers us a vivid picture of God’s unwavering faithfulness. It reminds us that, whether we are in moments of peace or walking through life’s darkest valleys, God is always present, offering us protection, guidance, and love. David’s psalm ultimately reflects his deep trust in God and his perception of God as a Shepherd, a protector, and a provider.

I want to leave you with a challenge this week: How do you perceive God? What is your image of Him? Is He a loving Shepherd guiding your steps, or do you see Him as distant or even harsh? I encourage you to take some time to reflect on your image of God and, if you feel led, write your own psalm—a personal reflection on who God is to you.  

I’m Rev Jay Stuart Glover. Thank  you for joining me today on *Faith Talk*. These episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, i-Heart, YouTube, and other podcast platforms. Please visit the website at www.revjaystuartglover.com and share with friends and family. Let us go forth as peacemakers, bringing God's light into the shadows of our world. Until next time, may God bless you and guide you in all that you do. Amen.