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Sept. 9, 2024

School Shootings The Continuing Tragedy

School Shootings The Continuing Tragedy by Rev. J…

School Shootings The Continuing Tragedy by Rev. Jay Stuart Glover

May God prosper you according to His divine will and purpose.

Rev. Jay Stuart Glover


I’m Rev Jay Stuart Glover and you are listening to Faith Talk

The epidemic of school shootings strikes at the very heart of our values as a society.  Scripture reminds us that Jesus welcomed children, declaring that "the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matthew 19:14). Yet, our students  live in fear, with their safety  jeopardized in classrooms that were created to nurture their growth and dreams. Something is wrong.  As people of faith, we are called to be peacemakers, we have a moral obligation to advocate for justice, and to protect the vulnerable. In the face of such violence, we must reflect on how our actions or inactions contribute to a culture where children are not safe. Yes we must pray, but we must also do something we must collectively act —towards enacting systemic change to end this tragedy. Let us continually embrace our call to pray for our youths safety and also be intentional about using our voting power to create safer spaces for learning.When you cast your vote this year please  consider  voting for a candidate who advocates  for stronger gun laws that can lead to legislation that limits access to firearms.  This might include background checks, bans on assault weapons, and measures to close loopholes in gun sales. The reality of gun violence in our schools is clearly an indication of failures in leadership,  both government , and parental leadership in the home. 

For students who have no choice but to live in growing uncertainty I offer these pastoral words of encouragement: 

As you navigate the challenges of school and life, I encourage you to remain diligent not just in your studies but also in caring for your own well-being and the safety of those around you. The world may sometimes seem uncertain, and feelings of fear, anxiety, or depression can arise. If you find yourself feeling emotionally overwhelmed, It's okay to reach out for help,  Reach out to a mentor, a school counselor, a pastor, and your parents. Let someone know that your psychological wellness and or your emotional resilience is beginning to be a challenge to your well being. Reaching out for support is a sign of strength, not weakness.  I’m sure there are people in your life that are willing to walk with you through difficult times. Don't hesitate to lean on that support system. And if you are aware of a friend who is struggling, be that person who offers a kind word, a listening ear, or help in connecting them to resources. 

Remember that your mental, emotional, and spiritual health matters deeply.There is no shame in seeking help; in fact, it's a courageous step towards healing and wholeness.

Loving and Gracious God,  

We come before You, our hearts heavy with the weight of violence in our schools. We lift up the lives that have been lost, the communities shattered, and the children left with fear in a place meant for learning and growth. We ask for Your peace to descend on our land, bringing healing where there is pain and wisdom where there is confusion. Lord, stir in us a deep commitment to protect the vulnerable, and give leaders the courage to enact change. Give us wisdom to use our  voting power in a way that we may we  become agents of change seeking justice, compassion, and safety for all children.  Amen.  

I’m Rev Jay  Stuart Glover  you have been listening to Faith Talk. The good news is that we are not powerless in this situation. There is the power of prayer and there is power in our collective voting power Make sure you are registered to vote and cast your vote in this upcoming election for the well being of our youth. 

These episodes are available on I tunes Spotify Amazon You tube and other podcast platforms please share with friends and family. I’ll see you next time.