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Advent A Season Of Hope

I’m Rev Jay Stuart Glover and you are listening to “Faith Talk.”
Welcome to today’s episode, where we will provide an introduction to the significance of the Advent season. As we have now entered into this sacred season, we enter a time of preparation, reflection, and anticipation. Advent, which means "coming," invites us to prepare not only for the celebration of Christ’s birth but also for His coming again.
Advent is traditionally observed for four weeks leading up to Christmas and serves as a period of spiritual preparation. Each Sunday of Advent has its own theme, with the first Sunday focusing on hope.
Let us move through this Advent season with the intention of deepening our relationship with God and spreading hope to others. Thank you for joining us today. May this Advent season be filled with moments of reflection, hope, and joy as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ and together continually work towards justice and peace in our communities.

I’m Rev Jay Stuart Glover, you have been listening to Faith Talk and may God bless you as you journey through the Advent Season.
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