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Young Adults And The Church A Path To Renewal

I’m Rev. Jay Stuart Glover and you are listening to Faith Talk.
I’m excited today, as we reflect on a topic that’s vital for the future of our faith communities—young adults returning to the church and the incredible impact they can have. We’ve all heard the statistics: church attendance among young adults, particularly those aged 18-35, has been on the decline for some time. Yet, there’s a powerful and vibrant hope on the horizon. Young adults, when given the right environment, are not only ready to return—they have the potential to reinvigorate our churches and make them thrive in new ways.

Today, I want to talk about why young adults around the world should return to church and what they bring that can benefit the church in profound ways. Their involvement isn’t just a response to their personal needs; it’s also an opportunity for the church to be strengthened and revitalized. Let’s explore this together.
I’m Rev Jay Stuart Glover and you are listening to “Faith Talk.” These episodes are available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube and other podcast platforms. Please share with family and friends. Visit www.revjaystuartglover.com where you can subscribe leave a review, comments and reach me directly be email. I’d like to begin a global chat with our listeners around the world. Leave you comments and we can get started on that.