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Sept. 15, 2024

Voting As An Act Of Stewardship

Voting As An Act Of Stewardship by Rev. Jay Stuar…

Voting As An Act Of Stewardship by Rev. Jay Stuart Glover

May God prosper you according to His divine will and purpose.

Rev. Jay Stuart Glover


 I’m Rev. Jay Stuart Glover, welcome to Faith Talk.

Today’s episode is titled “Voting: As An Act of Stewardship.”

In Genesis, God created the heavens, the earth, and humanity. Genesis 2:15 says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” God entrusted humanity with the responsibility of stewarding His creation. Today, we explore how this concept of stewardship extends beyond physical creation to encompass our civic responsibilities, including voting.

Stewardship and Voting

From a faith-based perspective, voting can be seen as an extension of stewardship. It’s an act of using our collective power and responsibility to care for the world, seek justice, promote the common good, and align society with God's values of love, peace, and equality. As Jesus taught us to pray, *“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” voting is one way we participate in bringing God’s will to fruition in our communities.

Stewardship is more than just tending to the land. Biblically, stewardship is about managing all the resources God has given us—our time, talents, money, and yes, our influence on societal structures. Just as Adam was given dominion over creation, we are entrusted with the care of everything within our control. In today’s world, that includes voting, which directly affects legislation, public policy, and the well-being of our neighbors.

The Importance of Voting

Voting is more than a civic duty; it's an opportunity to shape the kind of world we live in. It’s a way to ensure that the society we live in reflects God’s justice, peace, and care for all people. Through voting, we influence policies on taxes, healthcare, education, and environmental issues—all areas that affect the most vulnerable among us.

Consequences of Disengagement

Sadly, many people feel there are no good candidates worth voting for and choose to disengage. But disengagement has real consequences. When communities withdraw from voting, they lose representation, and policies are shaped by a narrower group of people who may not reflect the needs of the broader community. This often leads to greater disparities in wealth, reduced access to education, and the limiting of basic freedoms.

The Call to Participate

Instead of disengaging, we must exercise the right to vote—a right that so many have fought for. Young people, in particular, I encourage you to register and vote in the upcoming election. Your voice matters. Prayerfully research the candidates and ask yourself: Do their policies align with God’s call for justice, compassion, and care for the vulnerable?

Proverbs 31:8-9 gives us wise guidance when choosing leaders:  

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

The candidates we support should reflect this call to defend the poor, marginalized, and voiceless in our society. Their platforms should demonstrate a commitment to justice and fairness for all.


Caring for Creation

Just as Adam was tasked with caring for the garden, we too have a responsibility to care for God’s creation. This includes supporting policies that protect the environment. The outcome of this 2024 election will determine whether the U.S. continues to prioritize climate resilience and environmental justice or whether these concerns are overshadowed by the economic interests of a few.

In short, Proverbs 31:8-9 can serve as a guiding principle in voting. We should support candidates who are compassionate, just, and committed to creating a society that protects the most vulnerable, including our planet.

A Call to Action

Young people, voting  is an act of stewardship. It’s an investment in the future—not just your future, but the future of your community and the world. Young people, I urge you to take this responsibility seriously. Register, research, and cast your vote. Let us work together to ensure that justice, peace, and compassion are at the heart of our society.

I’m Rev. Jay Stuart Glover, and thank you for joining me today on Faith Talk. These episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, iHeart, YouTube, and other podcast platforms. You can also visit the website at www.revjaystuartglover.com. Share this episode with friends and family, and let’s continue to be peacemakers, bringing God’s light into the shadows of our world as we cast our votes.

Until next time, may God bless you and guide you in all that you do. Amen.