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June 28, 2024

What Do You Want From God?

What Do You Want From God? by Rev. Jay Stuart Glo…

What Do You Want From God? by Rev. Jay Stuart Glover

May God prosper you according to His divine will and purpose.

Rev. Jay Stuart Glover


John 1:35-39 we read of disciples literally following  Jesus and he turns to them to say to the disciples what do you want ? 

My point today is  How do you respond to this sane question from Jesus? 

Todays  episode is entitled simply  “What do you want from God?”  

Let me read the brief passage from John 1:35-39

35 The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. 36 When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”

37 When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. 38 Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” (Another translation says: What do you seek?”) 

They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?”

39 “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.”

As I read this portion of Scripture, what stood out to me was that as Jesus was walking along His journey, He noticed two disciples of John following Him. Turning to face them, He directed His attention to these men who decided to literally follow him.   and  he asked a profound question: "What do you want?" (Another translation reads: "What do you seek?").

I believe God is asking us the same question today. Especially of those who have decided to follow Him. So today a relative question for us can be stated as:  What do you want from God? What are you looking for? What are your expectations of God? This profound question invites us to engage in a sacred moment of  self-examination. Or to  put it another way we are invited to conduct an introspective survey  regarding our desires. When Jesus asked this question, He wanted the disciples to articulate their answer—and they did.

They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?”

39 “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.” 

Their initial response was that They  wanted to know where he was staying.  But underlying their initial response,  they wanted to know where he was staying  because they wanted to know more about him. He was a teacher and had a reputation of being a good teacher. John the Baptist even refers to him as the Lamb of God. They really wanted to spend time with Him to learn more about Him.

When Jesus says, "Come and you will see," He invites them into a space of revelation—a place where God reveals Himself. In this space, God discloses who He is and who they are in relation to Him. Similarly, He extends this invitation to us today. He invites us on a journey of discovery, an opportunity to experience His presence and find answers to our deepest longings.

Jesus' question, "What are you looking for?" is not just for those two disciples. It resonates through the centuries, reaching out to each of us. What do you truly want from God? Are your desires aligned with what God wants for you?

We know from the text that Jesus invited them to spend time with Him. How can we do that? Will one way is this. 

Perhaps it is a good idea to engage in a prayerful dialogue with God telling him what you are looking for, what you are seeking. God answers prayer and his answers may surprise you. Sometimes he says yes, sometimes no, sometimes not yet and sometimes we feel as though God has responded in silence. If it is silence we perceive,  we are invited to open our hearts and minds, and from a posture of humility listen in more attentively. 

How fortunate they were those disciples to be able to spend the day with Jesus. Are we willing to spend time with God? Do we want to spend time with God or do we resist being in that sacred space. 

Some people have difficulty pondering and answering this question. Some are held back by 1-a false sense of humility that declares I don’t want anything from God, 2-Some are shamed into isolation, or estrangement from God and ignore their  innermost desire. They retreat or turn away from God. 

But if we look inwardly we all have a sense of desire that can and should be expressed to God in prayer. Maybe you’re seeking clarity in a confusing time, comfort in moments of pain, or guidance on your path. 

Today Jesus invites us to come and see, where he is, He invites us to   follow him and express what we are truly looking for. 

The Holy Spirit can help us with what to pray for. You can search your heart for your innermost desire and God will help you to do just that. We all have needs

People's desires and expectations from God vary widely depending on their beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and personal experiences.  

If you are having trouble deciding what to ask God for, let me help you.  

Many people as God for 

1. **Guidance and Wisdom**: Many seek divine direction for making decisions and understanding life's purpose.

2. **Comfort and Peace**: People often turn to God for solace during difficult times, looking for a sense of peace and reassurance.

3. **Forgiveness : Some seek forgiveness for their sin. The good news is that God will grant you that and liberate you from shame that wants to enslave you. 

4. **Protection and Safety**: Many pray for protection from harm and for the safety of loved ones.

5. **Provision and Blessings**: Requests for material needs, such as health, prosperity, and well-being, are common.

6. **Spiritual Growth**: Some desire a deeper relationship with God and spiritual enlightenment. And of course our desire to know God and who we are in relation to God is at the top of the list

7. **Justice and Fairness**: There are those who seek divine intervention in matters of justice and fairness.

And as we begin to look beyond our own needs: 

8. There are always family members that need to be lifted in prayer.

9. There are the elderly, the sick, those who have lost loved ones. 

10. Those who are experiencing senseless violence around the world and in our cities. 

11. Their are our youth that remain in need of prayer

So before we hide behind a false sense of humility and pride declaring we don’t want anything from God, take a look at the transcript of this podcast, or listen again and see if any of the prayer requests resonate with your life experience today. And if so, the prayer line to God is open. Call Him up and tell him what you want.